Mixed Signals: Own devices My kids just survived two weeks with no screens. No TV, no mobile phones, no iPads.
Lord of the lies In any discussion about a group of kids being left alone, it wonāt be long before someone mentions āLord of the Fliesā.
Mixed Signals: Discipline equals freedom I'm not looking forward to the summer holidays. I know that's a 'bad parent' thing to say, and I know I'm not alone.
Mixed Signals: Ideas that don't make sense We like to think we're rational. We do everything for a reason. We balance up the pros and cons. Here's the truth... we're unpredictable, and completely irrational.
Mixed Signals: A good ache I've been to the gym 3 times since November. š³ All three have been in the last week.
Mixed Signals: Don't do it all There's too much to read. Too many podcasts to listen to. Great TV shows to watch. Oh, and that new documentary I know I would love.
Mixed Signals: I'm back I'm back! (Cue muffled applause). The newsletter took a back seat, as my kids took a front seat throughout this last year. In honesty, they took the driving seat, stole my keys, and headed the wrong way down the M4.
Rubber band This last year has left me feeling like a rubber band. Stretched too many times. Holding far more than it was ever intended to support.
Mixed Signals: Paradox I haven't been able to shake this feeling. The reality that I have more time than ever, coupled with the sense that I have less time than ever.
Mixed Signals: Relieved A strange thing happened on Friday. We got the news that, here in Wales, it'll be another three weeks of lockdown and school closures.