Mixed Signals: Paradox

No. 18 – 31st of January, 2021

I haven't been able to shake this feeling.

The reality that I have more time than ever, coupled with the sense that I have less time than ever.

It's possibly a pandemic-themed parenting paradox.

Life before March 2020 hit us all like a tonne of bricks... the school runs, the after-school clubs, the early morning football + rugby. Everything happening, all the time.

It's been replaced with home schooling, no downtime, no real breaks, the job of being a full-time entertainer, the guilt of too much screen time. Nothing happening, all the time.

It requires a different way of viewing time. Of rethinking how we allocate the hours we're given. And it's something I'll be figuring out long after the pandemic is over.

📄 Articles...

+ Powerful pivots. Being big is no longer a bonus. Being nimble is what matters. Here's how forward-thinking companies were able to adapt quickly over the last roller-coaster of a year. Including my favourite bank, Starling.

+ Pink seesaws across US-Mexico border. A beautiful way of showing what's possible, even against challenging odds.

+ A Few Thoughts On Writing. From a writing master, Morgan Housel. Including some points that link with why I think Twitter offers an incredible eduction in writing:

"Whoever says the most stuff in the fewest words wins."

📚 Books...

+ Wintering by Katherine May is a beautiful book. Katherine illustrates, through her own explorations, that nature teaches us how to winter, and the incredible advantage we gain from doing so.

"I often wonder if these are just normal feelings that become monstrous when they're denied. A great deal of life will always suck. There will be moments when we're riding high, and moments when we can't bear to get out of bed. Both are normal. Both, in fact, require a little perspective."

📺 TV/Video/Films...

+ How to Build a Personal Monopoly with Jack Butcher. Jack is consistently looking to provide value for fellow creators. Huge video bonus... you also get fantastic insight from David Perell, and Ana Lorena Fabrega (who is doing incredible things in the education space).

+ The Florida Project. An insight into the lives some kids (and adults) live, and how tough life can be. A tough watch, that left me with a sadness, coupled with a huge amount of gratitude.

+ Caribbean with Simon Reeve. On days where the Welsh weather makes it less appealing to get outside, I find myself searching for anything that might be remotely educational. This jumped out as family friends recently moved to the Caribbean with work.

+ Back. Thanks to my Mum for mentioning this Channel 4 show. I somehow had no idea it existed. Very funny. Very not suitable for children. 🤬

🎧 Podcasts...

+ Eric Jorgenson: Lessons from Naval Ravikant. I've sung the praises of Eric's book (The Almanack of Naval Ravikant) in this newsletter several times. This is a great opportunity to hear Eric's thoughts on several topics (some highlights here) including, of course, writing a book:

"You don't decide to write a book once; you decide to write a book a hundred times. You continuously re-decide to stay committed to this project."

🧸 Toys...

+ I recently invested in a new Apple keyboard and mouse. They feel like luxuries, but it got me thinking (once again) about how we should invest in the tools that make our work/lives better.

What could you buy that would make your job 1% easier?

📝 Anything by/featuring me...

+ A Twitter thread of 10 things I've learned.

+ A simple visualisation on whether to go niche or be authentic.