Mixed Signals: Forward

No. 15 – 20th of December, 2020

Not sure about you, but I feel like I'm still catching up on events since March.

It's been a lot to take in.

And every day, we're bombarded with decisions. Some big. Many small.

Either way, it's utterly exhausting.

But we must face facts. We need to look at the data, the graphs, the experts... and be honest with ourselves about what's going on.

Facing the facts isn't the same as accepting defeat.

In many ways, it's the opposite.

When I wake up each morning, I have that glorious brief moment before I remember what's going on. Except now, I don't try to block it out. I acknowledge it. Accept it. And move forward.

It's not easy. But it is forward.

📄 Articles...

+ Alcohol sales fall: Overall, we've not been drinking more during lockdown. Christmas Eve marks two years since my last drink. I'm noticing more people ditching the booze (+ plenty that did it before me).

+ Ryan Holiday, Welcome to Life: "Life is like this. It’s uncertain. It’s uncomfortable. It doesn’t really care whether we really want or need something. It doesn’t care about us at all, really, it just is."

+ 2020 In Review: Behavioral Science Edition: "This review compiles research and articles that have shaped our understanding of human behavior in 2020, from the novel coronavirus to the future of work and social justice."

+ LinkedIn’s Alternate Universe: "If you have a job, you might lose it. If you don’t, you might find one. So, we stay. Even if it sucks."

+ Rewriting landing pages with a pro copywriter: Harry is constantly putting out great stuff on Twitter. This is no exception.

📚 Books...

+ English Pastoral by James Rebanks: This was recommended to me by a couple of people. Not my usual read. I absolutely loved it. Farming life through the generations told with a poetic beauty that doesn't forget the realities of life (and death) in our countryside.

+ Universal Basic Income: I asked on Twitter for some book recommendations, as I would like to learn more about UBI. Lots of great suggestions that I'm looking forward to reading soon.

📺 TV/Video/Films...

+ Drive: Radio 1 Rescores: I started watching this one night without realising it was the rescored version (from Radio 1's Zane Lowe). Read after that it wasn't too well received, but I really enjoyed it.

+ Hidden on BBC iPlayer: This was a great way to let me escape the chaos in the evenings once the kids were in bed. Quite a gritty drama, but I couldn't help watching whilst thinking about beautiful Wales really is.

+ Logo design is changing: Why are logos becoming more simplistic?

🎧 Podcasts...

+ The Reader's Journey #14. Nir Eyal: I'm a big fan of Nir. When everyone else is complaining about how tech companies are stealing our attention, he reminds us that we can still be in control if we choose to be. Some great tips towards the end for helping your kids with tech too.

+ Adam Alter on Feel Better Live More: Some great thoughts here on why we should be teaching kids 'digital hygiene' in schools right now.

+ I Wish I Was An Only Child: A new podcast from Frank Skinner's partner (Cathy Mason) and her sister (Rachel). I've listened to Episode 3, featuring Daisy May and Charlie Cooper (stars of the BBC's very funny This Country). Lots of laughs, lots of emotion, + LOTS of swearing. 🤬😬

📝 Anything by/featuring me...

+ Starling Bank: I was interviewed for an article Starling's blog. I'm a big fan of their new pocket money service for kids (+ my kids quite like it too!).